Metal Framed Skylights
Modular Skylights
Modular Skylights
Spend more time designing and less time specifying with our modular advantage.
VELUX Commercial modular skylights use a prefabricated system that requires no on-site assembly, so your projects stay on time and on budget no matter what the weather brings.
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Daylight Visualizer
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Electrical Specifications
501473 01 V12775 036 Electrical Handbook Master Version 1 Electrical Specifications Download PDF (4.4 M)
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Installation Instructions
452950 2016 02 Roller Blinds Download PDF (3 M)
453829 2016 05 Longlight Wall Mounted Download PDF (68.1 M)
454165 2017 04 Longlight Download PDF (20.5 M)
454166 2017 04 Ridglight Download PDF (34.1 M)
454168 2017 09 Northlight Download PDF (67.7 M)
Hfc Hvc Bcx 453890 2015 03 Vapor Barrier Download PDF (3.8 M)
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119516 01 Vms Maintenance Cleaning Master Download PDF (426 K)
453396 2016 03 01 Hvc Ce Declaration Of Conformity Download PDF (653 K)
Product Sizes
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119583 01 V12775 009 Vms Datasheet Subconstruction For Longlight English Download PDF (1.7 M)
119586 01 V12775 009 Vms Datasheet Subconstruction For Ridgelight 25 40 English Download PDF (1.7 M)
V12775 026 Vms Datasheet Atrium Longlight Download PDF (1.6 M)
V12775 026 Vms Datasheet Atrium Ridgelight 10 Download PDF (1.6 M)
V12775 026 Vms Product Sheet Subconstruction Wall Mounted Longlight Download PDF (1.9 M)
Technical Drawings 2D
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Vms Technical Drawing 2D Wallmounted Longlight Download PDF (950 K)
Technical Specifications
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Tender Text
2013 10 07 Tender Text Vms Northlight Download PDF (139 K)
Installation End Inspection Part 2 Download DOCX (24 K)
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Vms Modular Skylight Installation End Inspection Part 1 Download PDF (736 K)
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3 Types of Skylight Modules
Modular skylights are available in fixed and venting modules. In the closed position, both modules appear visually identical due to the hidden chain actuator.
Fixed Skylight Module
Motorized Comfort Venting Skylight Module
Opens up to 410 mm
Motorized Smoke Venting Skylight Module
Opens up to 700 mm in less than 60 seconds
Skylight Configurations
The modular system creates six different configurations for a wide variety of room and building types. Ideal for environments from narrow corridors to areas requiring air circulation, each solution is delivered with prefabricated flashing that ensures a perfect 100 percent watertight fit.
Longlight 5–25°
The VELUX Longlight 5–25° solution is a single series of modular skylights that provides stunning lighting conditions for larger rooms, corridors and hallways. With its characteristic low-pitch design, the longlight fits right at home on flat roofs and other areas where a subtle expression is preferred. The longlight flashing allows for configurations with pitches between 5° and 25°.
Wall-Mounted Longlight 5–40˚
Wall-mounted longlights are a series of modular skylights mounted against a vertical wall. This opens up a new range of design possibilities where the expression is not limited by the placement of the skylight. The flashing allows for configurations with a pitch of 5° and 40°. Wall-mounted longlights are mounted on a standard steel profile of 100 mm width at the wall.
Northlight 40–90˚
VELUX Northlights are bands of modular skylights that are raised to allow sunlight to reach into the rooms below. The characteristic upright design is primarily targeted for installations that are directed toward the Northern Hemisphere for soft and reflected lighting and where direct glare is unwanted.
Ridgelight 25–40˚
The VELUX Ridgelight 25–40° is a classic-looking solution consisting of two rows of self-supporting skylights that add natural light and openness to the areas below while creating a feeling of symmetry from the parallel lines of the ridgelight roof glazing.
Atrium Longlight 5–25˚
VELUX atrium solutions consist of multiple rows of longlights, supported only by structural beams, that form large glazed areas of identical-looking venting and fixed units. Designing your building with an atrium longlight solution will help you benefit from all the functionalities offered by the modular skylights system, such as integrated chain actuators, blinds and low pitch.
Atrium Ridgelight 25–40˚
VELUX atrium solutions consist of multiple rows of ridgelights, supported only by structural beams, that form large glazed areas of identical-looking venting and fixed units. Designing your building with an atrium ridgelight solution will help you benefit from all the functionalities offered by the modular skylights system, such as integrated chain actuators, blinds and low pitch.
From installation to operation, feature after feature exceeds expectations.
The world leader in roof windows and skylights, VELUX has brought more than 75 years of experience to designing our modular skylights. You can be sure we’ve considered the smallest details in order to provide ease of installation and operation alike.

Trouble-Free Installation
All components are designed in exact accordance with the overall system. In our controlled production facilities, we monitor all aspects to ensure a perfect fit and assembly. A unique bracket system with a simple clamp design guarantees a predictable installation process, which makes it possible to fit an entire module within minutes.
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Seamless Ventilation
Venting modules are fitted with a fully integrated chain actuator that allows the room to be ventilated automatically. The actuator is connected to an intelligent control system that closes the module automatically in case of rain or strong winds. There is no visual difference between fixed and vented modules.
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Intelligent Control Options
VELUX INTEGRA uses the INTEGRA control pad to operate venting modules and blinds. The control pad’s intuitive touch-screen interface helps the user control every aspect of the solution, including direct step-less positioning of module and blind, programmable features and a selection of preset programs.
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Integrated Roller Blinds
Specially designed roller blinds (optional) protect against solar glare and heating. The fully integrated blinds employ thin wires to hover beneath the pane, creating the sensation of a free-floating window shade. Blinds are automatic and can be programmed to respond to luminosity and temperature. Alternatively, the modular skylight system can be controlled with an open system solution, connected to ±24 VDC. Options include io-homecontrol compatible systems and common building automation Fieldbus systems.
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Every aspect of our module skylight sets the standard for performance.
Thanks to prefabrication, we are able to test our products extensively against all conceivable hazards and stressful events.
Skylight modules are fitted with a step pane to ensure water is led safely off the unit and onto the roof surface. Likewise, interior condensation is drained from the construction via a channel system that distributes surplus water to the roof.
Traditional skylight materials fluctuate in form due to thermal changes, causing damage to gaskets and an increased risk of water ingress. Since the modular skylight composite contains 80 percent fiberglass, the profile properties are quite equal to those of the glazing unit. The similarity minimizes the risk of opposing movements in the construction, ensuring tightness of joints and a longer life expectancy of the application.
Linear Expansion Coefficient Chart
A low score means high thermal stability.
Modules are connected with a two-level gasket system that protects against air ingress due to excessive wind loads. The cladding, which is attached on top of the connected modules, contains several pressure compensation channels that reduce the load on gaskets and joints. The modules have obtained the highest classification for air permeability.
A two-level system with gaskets in the top and bottom ensures a very tight and durable connection between the two module profiles.
The modular profiles are made of an extremely tough composite material. The strength stems from a highly specialized pultrusion process, which creates a rare combination of high flexural strength and unparalleled resistance to breakage. The unique mix makes the composite a safe and durable element as well as a strong measure against aesthetically unappealing deformation.
Compared to traditional skylight materials, the exceptional strength of the pultruded composite material allows longer and slimmer frame and sash profiles to be produced. As a result, large skylights with slim profiles become an option, which can lead to better aesthetics. The high rigidity of the pultruded composite material makes the frame and sash extremely stiff. The rigid properties ensure reliable performance with very little deflection of the profiles and more durable aesthetics.
Flexural Strength Chart
A high score means high strength (resistance to breakage).
Flexural Modulus Chart
A high score means little deflection.
Energy Efficiency
Very low thermal conductivity and an array of low-energy glazing options make the total modular solution exceptionally energy efficient. The system offers two- or three-layer glazing in combination with three different coatings. The different combinations allow you to precisely specify the product according to your demands, whether you prefer heat control or protection against cold weather.
Energy Efficiency
Profiles used for VELUX Modular Skylights consist of an extremely low-conductive pultruded fiberglass and polyurethane composite resulting in high insulation performance.
Thermal Conductivity Chart
A low score means high insulation performance.
Glazing and U-Values
Modular skylights are fitted with a standard two-layer low-energy glazing unit. Alternatively, a three-layer glazing unit is available for projects that require extra-low U-values. Both glazing units are available with different coatings for different levels of energy and solar protection and with foil-laminated inner glazing for added safety.
Glazing and U-Values
VELUX Modular Skylights come with a standard low-energy double-glazing unit. Alternatively, the skylight modules can be supplied with improved solar protection or a triple-glazing unit for an extra-low U-value. All glazing units include a toughened outer glass layer and a 3+3 or 5+5 mm safety inner glass layer with two layers of 0.38 mm interlayer PVB foil. For technical values on glazing units, please refer to the chapter about Product Data. The triple-glazing units have a heat-strengthened middle glass layer. Heat-strengthened glass is also utilized for the inner pane of triple-glazed units with a 5+5 mm inner pane. The cavity between the panes of the glazing units is filled with argon gas as a default. All glazing units consist of a warm-edge spacer and they are produced with warm-edge technology to minimize the risk of condensation at the pane edges to provide the glazing units with the most durable insulation capabilities.
Glazing with Low Emissivity Coating (LowE)
T-value = 77% g-value = 58% Ra = 94.47
Glazing with Light Sun Protection Coating (Sun1)
T-value = 49% g-value = 27% Ra = 90.39
Glazing with Light Sun Protection Coating (Sun2)
T-value = 19% g-value = 16% Ra = 86.30
Tested and Classified
Thanks to prefabrication, we are able to test our products extensively against all conceivable hazards and stressful events. Tests are performed in controlled environments and, even if only one component is investigated, results apply to all within our skylight concept. All products are manufactured, assembled and delivered from the same heavily controlled production line, leading to components with completely identical properties.
Tested and Classified
Classification: EN 12208:2000 VELUX Modular Skylights: E900 No water penetration up to 900 Pa. (900 Pa = 134 Km/h [37.2 m/s]) (Hurricane = 32 m/s)
Resistance to Wind Load
Per ASTM E330 – NAFS-11 Ratings Venting Modules 1: +95/-50 psf Fixed Modules 2: +60/-100 psf
Air Permeability
Per ASTM E283 – highest leakage direction Venting Modules 1: 0.25 cfm/sqft Fixed Modules 2: 0.20 cfm/sqft
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
All electrical components are rigorously tested and comply with relevant EMC standards.
External Fire Performance
Per ASTM E108
Reaction/Resistance To Fire
Self-Ignition Temperature (ASTM D 1929): 500°C Flash Ignition Temperature (ASTM D 1929): 410°C Average Smoke Density Rating (ASTM D 2843): 7.0 Linear Rate of Burn (ASTM D 635): Class CC1
Per ASTM E330 – NAFS-11 Ratings Venting Modules 1: 15 psf Fixed Modules 2: 25 psf